PRESS RELEASE, 20:35hrs, 08/03/2000:

From the Campaign Headquarters of ZERO for President

(ZERO!!! Because in 2000, "Less is More!")
Headquarters: ROCK RIVER, WYOMING, 100 miles south of Casper

The American
Declaration of Responsibility

(written in the 11th hour, MDT, August 3, 2000)

We the People of the United States,

In order to express a better example of evolving American Leadership (personal and then Govermental) hereby declare that We shall elect Responsible and Responsive Political Leadership for a new, "Networked American Government"; One that meets Our needs in this New Century by being both Responsive and Responsible to us-- from the local level to the National-- ensuring U.S. security and setting an example for all people.

And to keep the cost of government as low as possible, each of Us now pledges to use Our personal freedoms to be "Self governing" as much as possible-- eliminating the need for anything "bigger" to control that which We have individually and irresponsibily chosen not to self-control. In a world of "Big Brothers" and "little zeros"... Less is More!

By electing a new "Networked American Leadership" that is derived from the free exercise of Our own individual responsibility, We the People have determined for Ourselves who can best-enact and enforce the policies and laws that We need, as a nation, in order to securely accomplish Our own life's work. And each of Us likewise pledges to obey the laws that We have empowered Our Leadership to enact and administer with Our participation. This was Our choice. Together, We shall now make it so.And Our success as a nation of laws shall set a confidant example to all the people of the world.
We owe them that proof of their faith in us.
Speaking of faith, "God Bless America and this Spaceship Earth"

Email Zero

Copyright, 2000 John A. Guthrie, president LASER RADIO, Inc

Telephone/ Fax: 307- 378- 2311
Or write ZERO at Laser Radio,Inc; P.O. Box 100, Rock River, WY 82083 USA
