TECHNOLOGY triumphs over nature!
Happy Orange Alert! Have a Nice Holiday!!!
The "candidate" is named ZERO. And his only qualification to "run scared"
for office?
According to his "campaign manager", John Guthrie, "ZERO is the Hitch Hiker
of the Information Highway...
He's 'been there- done that'... and he's
got a sense of humor!"
To Guthrie, April Fools Day seemed like the "Politically Correct"-- PC--
day to bring out the first global, digital candidate for "the most important
office in the world". ZERO will use this site to invite daily feedback from
visitors... to enable them, as ordinary people, to define what the policies,
priorities and agenda of the nation's government "could be".
And now, what YOU have voted, online, as the most important issues facing us (circa 1996-1997).
Yes, Virginia...this is a pre-stock market bubble time capsule!
Abortion, "Pro-Choice"
437 votes (as of March 3, 1997)
Abortion, "Pro-Life"
206 votes
Balance Federal Budget-- Cut Entitlements
62 votes
Balance Federal Budget-- Cut Government Departments
39 votes
Balance Federal Budget-- Increase Taxes
46 votes
Crime, urban
24 votes
Crime, international
15 votes
Debt, Local Government
15 votes
Debt, State Government
18 votes
Debt, National Government
59 votes
Economy, Local
12 votes
Economy, Regional/State
12 votes
Economy, national
12 votes
Economy, the U.S. position internationally
11 votes
Education, Quality of
37 votes!