Greetings Kids (6-12)
And Analog "Oldies"!!!

These pages (for older kids, teens and adults) are "Under Contruction"-- but hey, ZERO is a cartoon character, after all!
If the storyline that is told in the "Under Six" group of pages
isn't enough for you, then Click Here for more on the OBJECT of all this (and to see MORE than really young kids can understand):
Namely, about ZERO's "Object code" structure and where that is about to take the storyline of ZERO
(just as it will take us "consumers", in a few years, on the "Information Highway").
THEN you can come back here and see what is

"Coming Soon!!!"

Here in "Old Wyoming" we have a saying,
"There's two seasons in Wyoming:
and Information Highway Construction Season!"
(Really! That's what we say!)

You believe that? Well, buy this:

For younger people:

Stories of ZERO... as he travels the info highway, facing the mysterious "Q" and meeting an assortment of characters.

Also, kids will find out the NEAT stuff: About how ZERO travels around (HINT: He carries a Brass Ring for a reason!)
And we'll GO INSIDE "Angela's" Spaceship and see what She and "Number One" talk about!

For Teens:

More developed (and mature-- but barely-so) themes: Like introducing a stuck-up character named BARBi-I/O (she thinks she walks on air because she's SUCH an airhead!) In our story, she'll be an insecure, idiot "data handler"; who works for a company called In-SICKO (they INvestigate employees of other companies... who get sick from too much information overload... and get them fired!
These "sickos" also do things like read your "private" email and then they turn you in!

BARBi-I/O likes to think that (guys mostly) are
"always paying too much attention to me!" (she wishes!)
So, BARBi-I/O gets HER "sick kicks" floating around like an airhead plastic doll...
calling the "Internet Police" (on "her admirers") just for "fun".
Around the "town", where In-SICKO is located, the "Lady objects" tell a joke about BARBi-I/O: That she wanted to be a REAL "BarbiDoll"-- but she didn't have enough weight (you know, "on top") to hold her down... with her feet to the ground!
What an airhead!

To see what Barbi-I/O looks like, "walking on air" and ironing her clothes... while she WEARS them (how convenient!)... click on PICTURES at the bottom of the page!
As Little Miss Perfect struts her stuff, she even turns the WALLS green with envy! It's no wonder that her boss, 1895WinCHESTER-THE-DATA-MOLESTER thinks that Barbi-I/O is the PERFECT Input-Output device! He's, "SUCH a hard disk drive to work for"... making Barbi-I/O run around getting sicko data for him to...well, you know!

For Adults:
An online Novel:
"The Road to Heck and Back"

Tales of the Hitch Hiker on the Information Highway.

The Corporate Information Wars broke out, in public, in the fourth fiscal quarter of 1997-- as the smaller companies on the fringe of the "biggies" (little dink companies with less than $10 million in annual revenues) saw the end-in-site... er SIGHT (all this web _____ is going to my head!!!). Anyway, that terrible year also saw "info-terrorist" attacks against communications infrastructure (like satellite dish facilities in the Philippeans and Thailand-- which the local info-terrorists (I-T's or "It's" as they became known in "digispeak, the language of tomorrow--today!") blamed the predominantly American-owned facilities for the "cultural pollution of the peoples of the Earth"... and (in the case of the attack on the Manila site) flew an explosive-laden light airplane into the satellite facility's roof!

In America, the public saw their little "home town" telephone companies end their calendar years with sales blitzes... that were simply unsustainable:
For example, following U.S. SPRINT's lead at 8-cents a minute (6--off-peak) the "independents" tried in vain to provide what the public knew as "NICKLE-a-MINUTE" rates on telephone services! Sheesh!
This last-ditch (in some cases corporate grave-digging) pricing reminded some of the pre-paid telephone card fiascos of 1996.
There, the F.B.I. began investigating companies like "Tender Loving Care" of Detroit (which was rumored to have ripped-off LDDS Worldcom for over $90 million...because of TLC's selling cards for less than actual cost-- just to be competitive.
Convicted drug dealers and money-launderers (like the gang that started Globalcom 2000 in 1994) polluted the low-end phonecard business with a culture that subsequently bled-- UP-- into ordinary long distance telephone services... which, then, didn't last long!
(the joke about pre-paid telephone cards was that the "industry" should have been called the "Pre-paid TAX industry"... as one phonecard "entrepreneur" after another went broke and wrote their "investment" off-- against future income from jobs (if they could get them!)

A year later, as the fighting broke out in the Corporate Information Wars, it became clear how militaristic the telecommunications industry had become: Literally, with the entry of ex-military and even spy satellite code-encryption specialists-- into the "commercial sector"... they brought with them the culture of outright INFORMATION WARFARE (IW), which the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff formally adopted-- as a strategic warfighting doctrine-- as early as a secret Pentagon study, done after DESERT STORM in 1991 (for more on "IW" refer to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine issues, dated mid-to-late 1995 and early 1996). Zero's illegitimate father was caught up in CIW: He was "erased" in 1998.
The big guys stepped on him like he was a big bug... the little Zero!

More about this terrible, post-1984 world, coming soon...right here at the new and improved ZERO1 web site!

But Here's what's happening right now:
Live it up with ZERO for PRESIDENT and ZEROheads!!!

(Go to ZEROHEADS...Hot Stuff!!!)
(Go to "Pick Age" page and see what "The Kids" saw in ZERO in the first place!)

(Turn Graphics On)

All characters at this site are purely fictional and any similarity to any person or company is purely coincidental and unintentional.
All material on this site is copyright protected, (c) 1996 LASER RADIO Corp.
All World Rights are reserved (and left hooks too!)